
Turkey has a population of 75,627,384 people, Turkey's capital city is Ankara and largest city Istanbul.

Turkey personel income per capita $10,362, jobless rate 5.50% and its currency Turkish Lira (TRY) . Turkey official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Turkish, ethnics groups : 70–75% Turks, 18% Kurds, 7–12% others.


Turkey Flag Where is Turkey in the World
  • Capital : Ankara
  • Population : 75,627,384
  • GDP : $774.336 billion
  • Per Capita : $10,362
  • Calling Code : +90
  • Jobless Rate : 9.30%
  • Area : 783,562 km2 (37th) 302,535 sq mi
  • Largest City : Istanbul
  • President : Abdullah Gül
  • Prime Minister : Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Currency : Turkish Lira (TRY)
  • Time Zone : +2
  • Internet Ext. : .com.tr
  • Inflation Rate : 7.31%
  • Interest Rate : 5.50%
  • Debt GDP : 39.40%
  • Languages : Turkish
  • Ethnicity : 70–75% Turks, 18% Kurds, 7–12% others

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Turkey has 783,562 km2 (37th) 302,535 sq mi , its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $774.336 billion. Turkey president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey Economy

Turkey GDP : $774.336 billion, Per Capita : $10,362
Jobless Rate : 9.30% , Currency : Turkish Lira (TRY)
Inflation Rate : 7.31% , Interest Rate : 5.50%
Debt GDP : 39.40% , Internet Ext. : .com.tr
Calling Code : +90 , Time Zone : +2

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Map of Turkey
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Turkey Demographics & Ethnicity

Turkey Population : 75,627,384, Area : 783,562 km2 (37th) 302,535 sq mi
Turkey Capital : Ankara, Largest City : Istanbul
Languages : Turkish, Ethnicity : 70–75% Turks, 18% Kurds, 7–12% others.

Turkey Goverment & Military

Turkey President : Abdullah Gül, Prime Minister : Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Turkey Religion & Culture

Turkey History

Turkey Geography & Climate

Turkey Largest Cities

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A Collection of Turkey Images, Photos and Maps

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EU Turkey Map

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Turk Telekom Arena Istanbul turkey
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Turkey flag

Turkey flag
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turkey map

turkey map
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turkey political map

turkey political map
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turkey tourist map

turkey tourist map
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where is Turkey

where is Turkey
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